"The New (and Old) Ways Students Cheat:
What You Can Do About It"
Featured Presenter: Scott L. Howell, Ph.D.
In collaboration with the Academic Success Center, the Office of Distance Education is offering an online Webinar on how to combat cheating in distance education.
About this Webinar:
When it comes to academic cheating, we've come a long way from the days of writing on one's palm. Technology makes it possible for students – distance-ed students in particular – to cheat in myriad new ways. That's "progress" of a very depressing sort. What can be done about it? How can we maintai
n academic integrity in systems where, by their own admission, 95% of students cheat? There are ways to control cheating in the online classroom, and Scott Howell of Brigham Young University will share some of the best with you in a new online seminar coming October 13. In The New (And Old) Ways Students Cheat: What You Can Do About It, Dr. Howell, of BYU's continuing-education department, will look at the ways students cheat and the tools institutions can use to thwart them. In a content-rich, 75-minute presentation, he'll survey both hightech and low-tech cheating methods. This is essential information ... not just to promote academic honesty and personal integrity, but to help ensure that you meet Department of Education requirements and protect your accreditation.
Date: Wednesday, 13 October 2010
Time: 10:30 am - 12:30 pm
Where: Student Services Complex (SSC) Room 254C
See you there!