It is here! Fall semester has officially opened and the campus is teeming with students and faculty again. With the new semester comes some important dates to add to your calendar:
August 27: Final day to drop/add classes with 100% refund
September 3: Final day to submit graduation paperwork for fall commencement without a late fee
September 6: Labor Day
The instructional designers will continue to be available on evenings and weekends to serve all faculty with WebCampus questions. This is for all courses, not just distance education. Please take advantage of the service! Upcoming dates are:
September 8: Lied Library Eureka Room 5-8 PM
September 11: Lied Library Eureka Room 10 AM - 1 PM
September 23: Lied Library Eureka Room 5-8 PM
September 25: Lied Library Eureka Room 10 AM - 1 PM
We look forward to helping you with a successful fall 2010 semester.